Whenever you go shopping, the expensive products usually get on your nerves. Most of the times you want to buy something, but you find out that you don’t have enough cash in your pocket. Over the time, almost every household and the other things are getting expensive. This is why many people are often not able to buy something that they really want to have. For such people, the Paycheck Direct has made the things easier. Now, you can buy anything you want without paying any cash because you have the option to pay later and that too without any interest rate. You can also choose from the different payment plans to make it look even more convenient.
How To Avail This Opportunity?
If you want to get benefit from this great facility, then you need to get registered with them at their online member portal. After getting registered on their official website, you just need to sign in the online account from where you can also check your old orders and also make a payment online, later on. Now, let’s find out how you can log in your Paycheck Direct account after registering for their services.
Instructions For Paycheck Direct Login
There is a sign in the page created by them that you need to access in order to log in to your account. Here are the simple instructions that you should follow for this purpose:
- Begin the process by launching a web browser that you normally use to browse products, services, or any information. Visit the link: www.mypaycheckdirect.com in your web browser to access the official login page.
- Now, you can see a couple of empty blocks, such as your email address and password that you created at the time of account registration. After providing the sign in information, simply click the “Sign In” button to complete the process.
By following the above instructions, you would be able to sign in to the online account and avail the benefits or services that it offers.
For New Customers
If you are a new customer who has not yet registered for the online account, then you should first get registered on the same login page. Click “Register On” button that is available just below “Sign In” button. After that, complete the registration process, and then sign in using your login details the way we have discussed above.