If you use the FedEx services frequently, then you are supposed to sign up for the FedEx Delivery Manager services as well. This service is designed to help you with a bundle of useful services that focus on your convenience. After signing up for this service, you can access their official website and log in to customize the deliveries according to your desire. In fact, there are a lot more services that you can get benefit from after signing up for the Delivery Manager. Before we discuss the sign-up process, let’s take a look at the different aspects of this program.
About FedEx Delivery Manager
You get several options with the Delivery Manager access. You can use all the offered options through this program for receiving your packages. Once you sign up for this program, you will get timely alerts, whenever you are about to receive a package. If you wish to hold that package for a specific time or if you want to receive it at your desired FedEx location, you can simply log in to the Delivery Manager and request it from there. You can even request for the vacation hold, offer delivery instructions, sign for a package, and more. Now, let’s take a quick look at the features of the Delivery Manager.
- Receive Alerts
Whenever there is a package arriving your way, you will receive immediate alerts. It also includes the stuff that you have ordered on the web. You can also keep track of the arrival dates and you would also have a better control over the delivery options. With this feature, you are never going to miss any delivery.
- Request To Hold Packages
You can request to hold your package to pick it up later on at any other FedEx location, Walgreen, or at other locations. To redirect to another location or to hold your package, you should use the “Hold at Location” option in the Delivery Manager.
- Request Vacation Hold
If you ever need to go out of the town and there is a package coming your way, you have the option to request the vacation hold. The FedEx will keep your package secure unless you arrive back.
- Sign For The Package
Authorize the delivery of your package on the web and avoid scheduling a redelivery.
- Provide Delivery Instructions
If you have specific instructions about a delivery, then you can share it with them using this feature. This way, you can let them know where you want your deliveries to be placed.
Download Official Mobile App
Download the official FedEx mobile app on your smartphone and manage your packages in the most convenient and fast manner. If you are an Android user, then you should download their official app from the Google Play Store. And if you use an Apple device like an iPhone, then you should visit the Apple App Store.
With their official app, you can receive regular delivery notifications. It is also simple to get the package tracking status using this app. You can create a new shipment, take control over your deliveries, and get alerts, locations, rates and rewards using this mobile app.
How Much Delivery Manager Cost?
Registration and most of the features are absolutely free. However, there are some delivery options that require you to pay the fee for using them. You can take a look at the available options on their official website, at any time.
Instructions To Sign Up For The FedEx Delivery Manager
In order to sign up for the FedEx Delivery Manager, you need to make sure that your computer is connected to a stable internet connection. After that, launch an internet browser on your computer and perform the simple steps as they are mentioned below:
- Type in the link: www.fedex.com/us/delivery into the address bar of the internet browser and hit the “Enter” button on your computer keyboard. This will get you to the official website where you are going to complete the sign-up process.
- After arriving at the website, you can see an orange colored “SIGN UP NOW” button. This button is available on the top left-hand side of the page, just under the “FedEx” logo. Now, a registration form will open on your computer screen.
Enter your contact information, such as your first name, middle name, last name, address, Zip code, city, state, country, email, and phone number. After that, enter the login information, such as your user ID, password, and select and answer a secret question. Agree to their terms and conditions by placing a check on this option. Finally, click the “Continue” button to complete the registration process. This is how you can register for the FedEx Delivery Manager services on their website.
How To Login To The Delivery Manager?
After the successful registration, you can access the same webpage that you visited to register for the services. Click “Log in” link that is available just under the “SIGN UP NOW” button. Right after, a small “Login” window will appear on the right-hand side of your computer screen. Fill up this window with your User ID and password, and then click the orange “Login” button. This way, you will be able to sign in to your Delivery Manager account on their website.