When it comes to choosing a checking account, then you should understand that not all checking accounts are created the same. If you want to open a Discover Bank Checking Account, then you must learn where Discover shines and where it falls short to make a good decision. With their checking accounts, you can start earning cash back from the bank right from day one. In today’s article, you’ll learn how to open a checking account with the Discover Bank. We’ll also discuss some of the key features of their checking accounts as well as the possible downsides to help you make an informed decision.
About Discover Cashback Checking Accounts
The Discover Bank checking accounts help you get cash back on the qualifying card purchases, every month. You can also get benefit from their high yield savings bank account that can earn you $200 or $150 bonus. Apart from that, the account holder will also be able to enjoy free withdrawals through their extensive ATM network. However, having only a single physical branch is a downside that most people who like in-person banking will not appreciate. Their checking account is a great option for those who need rewards checking as well as the high-yield savings accounts.
Upsides Of Discover Checking Account
If you open the Cashback Debit rewards checking bank account, then you would get cash back of 1 percent from the certain transactions using your debit card on up to 3000 dollars in purchases. This is a no-annual-fee card and you would hardly find no-annual-fee rewards checking bank account elsewhere. There is also no monthly account balance requirement and you can make withdrawals at more than 60000 ATMs, free of cost.
Because there is only one bank branch that is near the Greenwood, Delaware, so you should think twice before opening the checking account if you like in personal banking. Otherwise, the online banking options from the bank are quite impressive.
Instructions To Open A Discover Cashback Checking Account
To open a Cashback checking account online, you need to visit the official site of the bank that they have designed to process checking account applications online. Here is how it works:
- Go to the link www.discoverbank.com/cashbackchecking to be on the official Cashback checking account page.
- Once there, you need to click the orange “Open an Account” button. This button is available at upper-right hand corner of the site.
A bank account application form will load on a new page. Tell them whether you are an existing or an old customer of the bank by choosing the appropriate option. If you are already their customer, then click “Log In” and submit the online application. If you are new, then you should click the “Continue” button on the left-hand side and follow instructions to submit your application.