Before you apply for a specific credit card, it is really significant to go through its details and all advantages and possible drawbacks. This is the only way to get a perfect credit card into your wallet that can fulfill all your credit card requirements. If you want to get a Woman Within Platinum Card, then this guide will help you make an informed decision. We’ll throw light on the highs and lows of this card so that you can easily decide whether or not it’s the right choice to opt for. After that, we will also discuss how one can submit an online credit card application. So, let’s get started with some of the really cool benefits that this card has to offer.
The Woman Within Platinum Card Benefits
There are so many perks of having this card in your wallet. With this card, you would get $10 rewards and get two points, whenever you spend a dollar using this card at the FULLBEAUTY brand locations. When your points touch 400, then you would be able to get $10 rewards certificate. You can redeem your reward certificate at the Woman Within. You will also get a birthday coupon for the 20 percent of the order. In addition to that, you will earn 2x points, whenever you purchase during the month of your birthday. Some of the other perks include:
- Free shipping (4 times in a year)
- Exclusive cardmember perks all along the year
- Zero annual fee
- Fraud Protection
- Buy Now, Pay Later
You can use this card at all brands of FULLBEAUTY, such as Woman Within, Brylane Home, King-size, Jessica London, Roaman’s and
About Rewards Program
Woman Within offers you this rewards program and the terms of the program can change, anytime, subject to the credit approval. The account that is opened in the birth month of the cardholder or in the last month will get the birthday perk during the following calendar year’s birthday month. You must be the resident of the US and must have a valid email address (US only) on file. Or, you can access their official website to update your info and receive the Birthday offer. To receive your Birthday offer, your account needs to be in the good standing and you must’ve made at least one purchase in the previous 12 months. For more details, you can go through their official page.
Instructions To Apply For A Woman Within Platinum Card
Here is how you can apply for this card online:
- Use this link: in order to access the official Woman Within Credit Card page.
- On this page, you will find a credit card application section on the right-hand side. Here, you can also read the credit card highlights. Click “Apply Now” button to get started.
A new page will appear on your computer screen. Here, you can read the credit card benefit details, information, and rules. Fill up the on-screen application form and agree to their terms and conditions. Finally, click the “Submit” button to complete the online application.