If you are one of those who are looking to apply for the Lowes Credit Card, then you must read thoroughly about the benefits of this card to know whether or not it’s a perfect fit for you. The Lowe’s credit card and its counterparts from the other credit card providers are certainly to provide its loyal clients many facilities, but it makes sense to make comparisons before applying for one to know is you are applying for the right option. Different credit cards come with different benefits. So today, we will put some light on some of the key benefits that the credit card offers and we will also discuss how you can apply for it.
Available Types:
There are basically two types of Lowe’s Credit Card that you can choose from and these are:
- Standard Blue
- Team #48
The Synchrony Bank (SYNCB) is issuing the Lowe’s credit cards. Both types of cards come with different benefits, so before you apply for the one you can ask the customer center agents to tell you the main differences between the both.
How To Apply For Lowes Credit Card?
Here is how you can apply for the Credit Card:
- Click the link apply.lowes.com
- Now you are on the Credit Card Application page.
- Here you need to first select which Lowe’s credit card you wish to apply for. So, select the one you need.
- On the next form, you need to provide your personal information titled as “About You”. Provide your information such as first name, last name, address, city, zip, state, email address, annual net income and cell phone etc.
- On the next form, select statement delivery type from the drop down menu, electronic statement or paper statement.
- On the next form, enter details such as your date of birth, social security number, and your mother’s maiden name.
- On the next form, select whether or not you want to purchase the optional card security program and proceed to the next one.
- Now, read the important information, and then move towards the “Application Signature” form where you need to click the blue “Accept and Submit” button.
- Now you will see your application reference number along with a thanks message from their team. You will receive a response between 7 to 10 days.
So, you have learned about some of the great Lowe’s credit card benefits and you have also become familiar with the basic steps needed to apply for it. We are pretty much hopeful that you would have found this guide informative, especially if you were planning to apply for the credit card.
Key Benefits Of Lowes Credit Card
Here are a few key benefits that you can get with Lowe’s credit card:
- Zero annual fee
- Zero interest, if paid in full within the 6 months with $299 or more purchase
- A consistent 5% discount on everyday purchase at Lowe’s.
- 99% APR, when paid in full inside 84 months (with at least $2,000 purchase)
- Grace period of 23 days
- Online bill payment & account management
- Online card account to manage the transactions and to check the activities of the card anytime.
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